15 Most Famous Brand Logos of All Time

I know a lot of designers who hate famous brand logos. They see them as overused and uncreative, but the truth is we all know them, and our clients expect us to be able to recreate them from memory at a moment’s notice. With that in mind, I thought I’d get ahead of the game for you and make this list of the 15 most famous brand logos of all time. 1: Apple Apple is one of the world's most valuable brands. The company's logo, a simple, elegant symbol of an apple with a bite taken out of it, is as memorable as any other symbol in recent memory. The fruit logo was designed by Rob Janoff in 1977 for Steve Jobs' brand new computer company. It may seem obvious now that Apple would need to have a logo that stood out from the competition and represented what they were doing at the time—but back then there wasn't anything else like it. 2: Microsoft Logo Microsoft was founded in 1975 by Bill Gates and Paul Allen, who both were dropouts of Harvard University. They started worki...